Sunday, August 8, 2010

18 Months and a Big Boy Bed!!!!!

Yesterday Noah turned 18 months!!! I cannot believe my baby is 1 1/2!! Where has the time gone?

A year ago he turned 6 months!

Also, we bought Noah a Firetruck bed from craigslist!!! It was pretty nasty when we picked it up but some soap and some vacuuming (dead ladybugs YUCK!!!) later and it's pretty close to brand new!! He LOVES it!! He's been playing with it all morning, and I'm not sure I've ever seen him happier. Instead of greeting Daddy when he came home this morning he just yelled "TRUCK!!!"

Some pics from this morning

(saying "truck!")
He actually said "Cheese!" and smiled!! It's been so long since he hammed and didn't totally avoid the camera!!